Cost of Hair Transplantation in Dubai [2023]

Maybe for every person who wants a hair transplant, this question has come to mind that how much is the price of transplanting each strand of hair?

This question becomes important because insurance does not cover the cost of a hair transplant which is done for beauty purposes. If you are also applying for a hair transplant, but you do not have any information about how much a hair transplant costs, it is better to follow our article until the end, because it will answer all your questions, such as how much is the price of each hair transplant or what factors are effective in determining the price of hair implants? let us provide you with information.

The Cost of Hair Transplant in Dubai

The Cost of Hair Transplant in Dubai

It is not possible to think about hair transplant and not have questions about the cost of hair transplant in Dubai, the price of hair transplant, etc… before taking action. If you are looking for questions related to the cost of hair transplant, continue reading.

First of all, we must mention that hair is one of the factors that complement the beauty of every person’s face, and its loss and lack of proper care cause the change in a person’s face, and in some cases baldness. For this reason, there are many methods to prevent this from happening, by which we can return the person’s hair to its original state.

The most effective way to eliminate the problem of baldness is hair transplantation. In Dubai, there are active experts in the field of beauty who perform the hair transplant process by performing different methods. Those who want to step on the path of improving and restoring their lost hair should estimate the price and cost before doing anything. The cost of hair transplant in Dubai depends on various factors, which we will discuss in detail in the following article.

The Cost of Care After Hair Transplantation

The Cost of Care After Hair Transplantation

It is better to know that the cost of care after hair transplant depends on the method of a hair transplant, so the cost will vary from person to person. According to the studies, the recovery period after hair transplantation in the new methods presented is between 2 and 5 days. After the hair transplant procedure, small costs will be spent on hair care and the medication prescribed by the doctor, which includes painkillers after hair transplant, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling at the surgical site, and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

If your scalp gets infected after the hair transplant procedure, these costs will increase, and this usually happens if you have visited a non-standard clinic. As a result, considering the satisfactory result of the transplant, the price of a hair transplant by Dr. Hamidreza Khorasani is more reasonable compared to other hair transplant specialists. Therefore, choosing a clinic is very important to perform any cosmetic procedure. Helia Dermatology Clinic has the necessary certificates and authorizations for hair transplantation from the Ministry of Health.

What Are the Costs Before Hair Transplantation?

To perform the hair transplant procedure, you must also consider some of its side costs. It is normal that before any surgery, your specialist doctor will ask you for some tests and imaging to ensure your complete health, so it is necessary before the operation to have a general test including blood cell count, blood clotting time test, perform tests related to viral diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis and corona virus, and some other tests related to healthy heart, kidney, liver and blood diabetes.

Sometimes, in some clinics, apart from paying the fees for the operation to the clinic, you have to buy various items such as painkillers, antibiotics, restorative ointments, hats, headscarves, etc… before hair transplant.

The cost of hair transplant in Dubai is not fix, but the tests that are taken from the person before the operation have a certain cost, which is determined according to the approval of the Ministry of Health.

What Is the Cost of Hair Transplant at Helia Dermatology Clinic?

The estimation of the cost of hair transplant in Helia clinic depends on various factors, but you should know that a cheap hair transplant should not make you choose a clinic for your operation that does not have the equipment or staff and experienced and highly skilled doctor. Among the factors that generally affect the exact cost of hair transplantation are the ideal shape and volume of the person, followed by the number of grafts required, the amount of baldness, the technique chosen for implantation, the quality of the hair in the donor area, and the surgeon’s fee, and the equipment used pointed out.

Due to the different costs of hair transplant in Dubai, it is better to get help from Helia Specialized Clinic consultants to get detailed information about the cost of high density hair transplant and discuss all your questions regarding this and other beauty services with our experts.

Note that hair transplantation is done in different ways, but in our clinic, the micrograft method is more recommended because this method is much less risky than other methods, and it is more popular. In the micrograft method, fully automatic tools are used for hair transplantation, and for this reason, the probability of human error is very low and the percentage of success is very high. On the other hand, due to the lack of use of hands in the stages of extraction and plantation of follicles, the wound rate is also very small and the recovery period is very short.

Another reason for the popularity of the micrograft method is that in this method natural hair growth occurs with the highest success rate and the speed of this technique is high and the desired result is achieved faster than other methods.

Factors Affecting the Price of Hair Transplant

Factors Affecting the Price of Hair Transplant

You may be wondering how much the cost of hair transplant in Dubai is and what factors it depends on. The price of hair transplant varies from person to person, from place to place, because the conditions of each person and the amount of equipment available in different clinics and cities are different. In the following article, we want to fully and comprehensively examine the various conditions and factors that affect the price of hair transplant.

Hair Bank Status

The hair bank is a part of the head where the hair has a good density. This part is checked with high sensitivity before the operation so that the success rate and density of hair transplantation can be determined for the individual. Therefore, this matter affects the cost of hair transplant in the front of the head. If the density in the hair bank is adequate, the required grafts can be easily used to perform the operation, and less time is spent by the doctor to remove them. Also, the duration of the procedure by the doctor has a direct relationship with whether the condition of the hair bank is suitable or not, because the denser the part of the hair bank, the lower the cost. As a result, the lowest cost of hair transplantation is for people who have a good hair donor area.

The Number of Grafts Required for Implantation

Another factor influencing the price of hair transplantation in Dubai is the number of grafts that are removed from the donor area by the doctor and transferred to the desired area. The more grafts needed, the more time the specialist spends on hair transplantation; Therefore, the price of hair transplant increases accordingly.

Selective Hair Transplant Clinic

Note that each clinic has its own fees and if you check the cost of hair transplant with a doctor in two different beauty centers, you will notice that there are two different fees; As a result, the choice of your beauty clinic has an impact on the cost of hair transplantation and that is why we, at Helia Dermatology Clinic, offer a variety of hair transplantation methods with the highest quality and the most reasonable price for the satisfaction of our customers.

The Difference in Hair Transplant Prices in Dubai and Other Cities

Probably, you may also be one of those people who imagine that where you perform hair transplant services does not effect on its price, but we must say that the scale of hair transplant price does not only include the comparison of one country with another country and the cost of this operation. It is different in one city compared to other cities. If you go to a clinic in a very specific area of ​​big cities such as Dubai, its cost is different from the cost of another area in Dubai.

In highly populated cities, many people want to do hair transplant surgery, and due to the lack of adequate supervision of hair transplant centers, people who do this beauty procedure in non-specialized and non-therapeutic clinics do not get the desired results even after paying a huge fee; As a result, for hair transplantation at a very affordable cost, we suggest you choose Helia Dermatology Clinic, because in this clinic, more advanced equipment and up-to-date and less invasive techniques such as micrograft and SUT are used, and thus you can get the desired result from this procedure.

Reasons for Cheap Hair Transplant in Some Clinics

In some clinics, very low prices and cheap hair transplants are offered, and there is no regulation nor organized structure in these clinics. A reputable clinic must have dermatologists, surgeons, general practitioners, nurses, implant assistants, secretaries and other services that, after calculating the cost of these low prices for beauty services, don’t seem reasonable.

The agents of the Ministry of Health have closed these clinics in most of these low-cost centers after conducting an investigation. Violation of medical laws is often seen in these clinics. Despite these cases, very high costs do not indicate the quality of the work and we recommend that you do not be deceived by these centers and before choosing the clinic you want, do complete research and after obtaining enough knowledge of the experience of the clinic and the specialist doctor, proceed with hair transplantation.

Unauthorized clinics are stopped by the relevant organizations for not complying with health principles, not having a specialist doctor, not having a license, and the unsanitary nature of the planting environment, and it is interesting to know that some of these centers use hairdressers instead of experts, who do not have enough ability and experience, and the operation is performed by these people cause disasters.

The Difference in the Price of Hair Transplant in The UAE and Other Countries of the World

Many people have a misconception about the cost of hair transplantation in Dubai and UAE and think that our country charges less for this process due to the low quality of work, but we must say that UAE is ahead of many more advanced countries in the world in this regard and the reason for the low price of each hair transplant and other skin and hair services in UAE is due to the fierce competition and the high number of skin centers.

In recent years, since the price of the dollar has risen and the demand for hair transplants has increased in the country, our experienced specialists have got more knowledge of performing hair transplants at a lower price than in other countries. It is interesting to know that in terms of quality, the best specialists in our country perform this procedure, and its results can be assured for years to come, because UAE has reduced its cost due to the number of different clinics and specialists it has, despite the high quality.

According to what was said, we conclude that UAE and Turkey are good destinations for hair transplantation and the cost of this procedure is cheaper than other countries.

The Difference in Hair Transplant Prices for Women and Men

As you know, hair transplantation is a procedure that both women and men can use to regrow their hair, but there are differences between the process of hair transplantation for men and women. One of the most important factors that make the process of hair transplantation different for women and men is the pattern of hair loss in them. In female baldness, the hair bank is unstable and the density of hair in the donor area is the same as in other parts of the head, but in men, the parts of the hair bank are fixed and the hair strands are not located in one particular part of the head.

Another factor that causes the price of hair transplant to be different for women and men is that women use long hair transplant techniques for hair transplant. The advantage of this method is that one does not need to wait a long time for the growth of the transplanted hair because the transplanted hair is already long.

Other differences between male and female hair transplants are that men are more likely to experience baldness, so they need to take more hair grafts from the hair bank and transfer them to the empty areas so that all parts of the head are covered; As a result, more time is spent on implanting hair grafts in men. This is despite the fact that women need less time to remove and transfer hair grafts and as a result, surgeons and specialists must spend more time on this task, and naturally, the cost of frontal hair transplantation in men is higher.

If men do not have a suitable hair bank, it is possible to use the hair bank of other parts of their body for hair transplantation, but this is not possible for women; Therefore, women cannot use their body hair for hair transplantation, but men can use different parts of their body such as beard, chest hair, etc… for hair transplantation and hair graft extraction. According to what has been said, we conclude that gender is not a criterion for influencing the cost of hair transplantation, but depending on what density you want to achieve and how your hair loss pattern is, the cost will vary from person to person.

Solutions to Reduce the Cost of Hair Transplant

Solutions to Reduce the Cost of Hair Transplant

In order to reduce the cost of your hair transplant, various factors are effective. One of these factors is the number of grafts that should be removed during the operation. The lower the number of these grafts, the lower the cost of the operation. To know the number of grafts that should be removed from your donor area, you should consult your specialist doctor and find out after doing the necessary examinations. The second factor that influences the cost of hair transplant is the method you choose for hair transplant.

The most important thing is that if you are careful in choosing your specialist and perform your operation in a clinic that observes health issues well, the complications of this operation will be minimized. Also, as it was said, there are different methods to perform the hair transplant operation, depending on the decision of your doctor and the conditions of your hair bank. These methods vary from person to person. One of the most effective factors in reducing the cost of hair transplantation in Dubai is prescribed drugs after the operation. It is true that the costs of this part may not be important, but you should pay attention to it when estimating the price of each strand of hair for implantation.

Helia Specialized Beauty Center is one of the best hair transplant and restoration centers that has advanced equipment and methods and operates in Dubai. If you have any kind of hair loss problem or need hair transplant with methods such as micrograft, SUT, combined, etc…, you can contact this clinic and get free consultation from this center about the available methods and information about the price.

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