Pre and post hair transplantation care

Hair transplantation is one of the beauty operations that is a great option for people between 21 and 60 years old because about 50% of men and sometimes women suffer from hair loss or baldness due to various reasons, the most important of which is genetics. Hair transplant method is an excellent option to improve these conditions and restore beauty. Of course, choosing this method is completely personal decision and depends on various factors such as the age of the patient, scalp condition, general health, hair texture, density, etc…

Efficiency of this technique is completely guaranteed and in 99% of cases, the expected results can be seen. If you pay attention to the recommendations after hair transplantation, you can reduce the recovery period of hair transplantation and enjoy the thickness and beauty of your hair in the next few months after hair transplantation.

In the following article, we are going to review the important points after a hair transplant, so stay with us until the end of the article.

The Importance of Cares Before and After Hair Transplantation

The Importance of Cares Before and After Hair Transplantation

Usually, to get the desired results from a hair transplant, you should carefully pay attention to the doctor’s instructions, which include how to care after a hair transplant or recommendations regarding pre-operation measures. On the other hand, following the tips after hair transplantation is one of the most important stages of hair transplantation, because in the first days and weeks after hair implantation, the implanted follicles are very weak and if they are not paid enough attention, they may be lost or damaged to fall.

What Points Should Be Observed Before Hair Transplantation?

As we mentioned before, if you decide to do a hair transplant, it is important to take necessary care before a hair transplant to reduce the recovery period of a hair transplant. This makes the transplant work well and the applicant does not feel any discomfort during the procedure. Ten days before surgery, a person should take care of the following:

  1. It is recommended to avoid taking any aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or painkillers, in addition to vitamins, especially vitamin B and E, blood thinners, and herbal medicines.
  2. Patient should avoid taking any steroids and using cortisone creams as it can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
  3. Alcohol consumption and smoking are also prohibited during this time.

One Day Before Surgery, Hair Transplant Care Includes the Following Instructions:

  1. The patient should have enough sleep.
  2. It is necessary to avoid using any hair spray, gel, or other styling products.
  3. It is also necessary to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

On the day of surgery, the person should take their prescribed medications before going to the clinic. It is best to wear an old shirt during the procedure because it will most likely be discarded after the procedure. It is recommended that they also bring a button-up shirt that they can wear after the transplant. Other instructions that a person should follow on the day of a hair transplant are as follows:

  1. Wash the scalp with a suitable shampoo.
  2. Eat a light breakfast and avoid consuming too much caffeine.
  3. Avoid wearing any wigs, hair accessories, or hair styling products.
  4. Avoid exercising, jogging, or any other vigorous activity before surgery.

The Most Important Actions After Hair Transplantation

The Most Important Actions After Hair Transplantation

What points to follow after hair transplantation is a question that may arise for any person applying for a hair transplant. As with any other surgical procedure, it is important to follow the post-op hair transplant tips in addition to taking all necessary post-hair transplant precautions. After the hair transplant, you will most likely have some scalp sensitivity for a few days. The doctor usually prescribes pain relievers, in addition to antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills. It is also important not to cause any disturbance in the recipient area and to take the medications prescribed by the doctor as one of the measures after hair transplantation.

To keep the incision line and surgical area clean, the patient should wear a bandage for at least one day after the operation and keep it on overnight. On the day after the transplant, remove the bandage using scissors to prevent swelling.

Two days after the operation, among the tasks after the hair transplant include bathing and cleaning the donor area. On this day, a patient should pour some water on the recipient area as well as the donor area to clean it. However, it is important to avoid using a towel to dry your hair.

After the second day, the patient should wash recipient area twice a day using mild and antimicrobial shampoo and conditioner. This is an important step in the transplant procedure which ensures that the scalp scales are removed and do not cause any infection.

But other conditions for maintaining hair after transplantation include the following:

  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and painkillers.
  • Avoid exercising or doing heavy activities for at least a few weeks after the operation.
  • Take prescribed oral medications on time
  • If you are asking what are the principles of care after hair transplantation while sleeping, it is better to know that to keep the transplanted hair healthy and safe, it is recommended to keep the head in a high position while sleeping. For this, you can place several pillows or a towel under your head.
  • Only shampoo, conditioner, and lotion prescribed by the doctor should be used for at least two weeks after the hair transplant.
  • Exposure to heat and sunlight should be avoided for three weeks after the operation.
  • Swimming during this period is not considered safe.

How Long Is the Hair Transplant Recovery Period?

How Long Is the Hair Transplant Recovery Period?

Hair transplantation is one of the outpatient beauty procedures that does not require hospitalization and the patient can go home the same day, but he must know exactly what to follow after hair transplantation. Otherwise, in the case of not paying attention to the recommendations given by the doctor, may prolong the recovery period and in some cases cause some side effects such as infection.

The duration of the recovery period after hair transplantation varies from person to person and depends on the patient’s accuracy in paying attention to the prohibitions after hair transplantation or the strict observance of necessary precautions after transplantation and also according to the method chosen for transplantation. It can be short or long. According to the progress that has been made, if a person has a good hair bank, the extraction and implantation of follicles will be done automatically, which usually reduces, to a great extent, the recovery period.

On average, and according to the experiences of hair transplant applicants at Helia Dermatology Clinic, this period varies between one and two weeks and is mostly related to the healing of scars and the removal of swelling and bruises at the extraction and plantation area.

How Many Days Should You Rest After Hair Transplant?

The purpose of resting and staying at home after hair transplantation is to prevent any kind of unwanted incident, including contact with the transplanted hair, sweating due to exposure to the sun, or doing any type of physical activity that may increase the damage to the newly transplanted follicles. Otherwise, every person can resume their normal and daily activities immediately after the implantation and will not have any special restrictions.

For this reason and to prevent any kind of damage to the transplant grafts, it is recommended to stay at home for a week and not leave the house for work or outside the house until your implanted hairs become fixed and firm, then you can resume all your activities.

One Month After Hair Transplant

In the first month after a hair transplant, it is important to pay attention to the important post-transplant tips provided by your surgeon. Post hair transplant measures include regular scalp sprays to help speed up the healing process, as well as protect the follicles and any incisions to prevent scabbing.

One of the events that usually happens within 1 to 4 weeks after hair transplantation is hair loss in the visible part and above the transplanted hair, but there is no need to worry because the hair follicles remain in their place and enter the resting phase and within 5 to 6 months after surgery, they begin to grow. Of course, the amount of hair loss also depends, to some extent, on the individual’s stress, so try to control your stress level during your recovery so that the transplanted hairs are not affected.

What Are the Restrictions After Hair Transplantation?

What do we do after a hair transplant? This is a question that may arise for every person, after a hair transplant. Just pay attention to your doctor’s advice about the important points after a hair transplant. Among the limitations after hair transplantation, the following can be mentioned:

  1. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. In the first days after planting, you should not go to the swimming pool, sauna, or jacuzzi.
  3. Avoid wearing a hat or scarf for a long time.
  4. Smoking and alcohol use should be stopped or limited after a hair transplant.
  5. The use of cosmetics on the head or hair care products should be done after at least two to three weeks of hair transplantation and with due caution.
  6. It is better to avoid having sex for the first few days after the implantation.

How Many Days After Hair Transplant Can You Go to Work?

When to go back to work after hair transplantation is one of the concerns that every person applying for transplantation may face. In response to this question, we must say that paying attention to the recommendations after hair transplantation is one of the most important measures to achieve desirable results.

In this case, one of the important points after hair transplantation that must be taken care of is to take a leave of at least one week to ten days from work and rest and stay away from the sun and any kind of pollution and contact with the transplanted areas of the head.  If you have to leave the house, you should pay attention to some recommendations for hair transplant including not keeping your head down, not wearing a hat or scarf for a long time, taking care of your head against possible injuries, etc…

Helia Specialized Beauty Center is one of the best hair transplant and restoration centers that has advanced equipment and methods and operates in Dubai. If you have any kind of hair loss problem or need hair transplant with methods such as micrograft, SUT, combined, etc…, you can contact this clinic and get free consultation from this center about all types of hair transplant methods and information about the prices.

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